
Showing posts from May, 2016

A Review of "Together at the Table" by Hillary Manton Lodge

I want to begin by saying that I am a reviewing an advance copy that was provided by the publisher free of charge for the purpose of review. I received it through the Blogging For Books website . You can purchase the book   HERE I enjoyed this book very much. Ms. Lodge doesn't fail to keep the story interesting in this follow-up in the series. The heroine continues to get to the bottom of understanding her family roots. It is a continued tale of love in hardships and the threat of lost loves during a time of war and secrets due to Jewish heritage. All of the characters were well played and the ending left me wanting more from the story. Hillary Manton Lodge has once again proven herself to be an inspired fiction writer and I look forward to reading more from her.

Words Unspoken Until Now

Well, here is my 18 month weight loss check in results: I am no longer obese. I am not sure if I ever thought I would hear these words or not. My doctors are pleased with my progress and say that I am at a good stage. I am holding between 160 and 170 pounds and have finally made it out of the obese category. That feels good. I finally feel "comfortable" with myself. I know I have further to go to my original goal, but honestly if I don't make it that far, it will be okay because of how far I have come. 160 pounds is a lot to have lost. I am proud of myself. I can be the person I want to be. Thanks to all my supporters (you know who you are). Many friends and relatives have gotten me to this place with much encouragement. Most of all, thanks be to God to whom I owe everything. You make me want to be a better woman.

9 Thoughts That Can Change Your Marriage - A Review

This book should receive 5 stars for couples in new marriages. This reader is 25 years into marriage so there was not a lot of new material. With that being said, there was still a lot of great material to revisit and definitely good material to help newer couples. The suggestions are right on and funny because they are so true. I enjoyed reading this book and would encourage anyone to read it even for entertainment purposes. "I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review."