New Journey - The New Real Me

Well, I have started a new journey. Life has changed in so many ways in the past 6 months. We moved to another state, Lee and I both took new jobs, we left our oldest to finish high school, just to name a few.

I have been able to seek medical help with my asthma and sleep apnea, which have GREATLY improved life for me. I have also decided to proceed with gastric bypass surgery at the end of the summer. This is not a decision I took lightly and have prayed and thought a lot about it. It seems to me that the benefits far outweigh the risk. I have so many health concerns and this is by no means the easy way out. I thought that at one time, however I have been educated on the real deal for weight loss surgery. This is going to be a hard journey, but worth it in the long run. Baby steps. I will take MANY, but eventually I will come out on the other side walking proudly.

My first goal is to lose 15 pounds before I go back to the nutritionist and fitness specialist at the end of this month. I want to break the 300 mark.

Met some great people at the support group last night. I will try to make all of them. It was a great eye-opening experience.


Unknown said…
Hey lady I am still struggling with the decision to have surgery.What made you decide to have it?
TheNewMe said…
Well, I went to an information session and my eyes were opened. Then I thought about whether I could do it or not and still had questions, so I have been reading the material that I received from the weight loss center that I go to, plus asking questions. I have health issues that are not going away quickly and I am tired of dealing with them, so I finally went to a support group meeting last night and got most of my questions answered by the comments made. I am ready to make the commitment. I am ready for a change and I know if I sit around trying by myself to do it like I have for the last 20+ years it won't happen. I finally have all the support I need and have a way to achieve it.

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