
I am having a hard time acclimating to my new job. I don't feel like I fit in AT ALL. I wish I could say different and pretend how much I love my job, but honestly I don't. I don't love it. I feel sad every single day. The "language" around me is constant and although I realize to many, this is not a big deal but to me it is and when you hear it all the time it gets to you. I am alone. Very alone. I am part of a secretarial staff that is hugely underpaid and underappreciated.  The direct supervisors in my department do appreciate me and that feels good but it only scratches the surface. When I started this job, I did so to get my foot in the door and at first it was great because there was an abundance of work to do. I set forth to get so much accomplished and I did so with fervor. Once it was all done, however things changed for me. No longer did I have something to do but I have to go asking for things to do. It is embarrassing and humiliating to ask people if I can shred their stuff for them. I am not happy. I feel like crying each day and I think that maybe I may be slipping into a depression. I am used to being around a lot of people and interacting with them. Here there are many people but no interaction. I appreciate that I have a good job with good benefits but I don't know how long I can stay here and save my sanity. I am not sure if I will post this or not. I definitely will not put it on Facebook. What to do? I will have to wait out for the job I really want. Pray that it will be sooner rather than later.


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