Still on Cloud Nine

What a weekend! What a weekend! Let me say it again...What a weekend!!! I was finally able to get my hair cut and colored on Saturday and it feels great! Plus, I have the best family in the whole world. God blessed me so much through them this past weekend. First, Geoffry came up to PA to pick up his car. He brought with him Lee's dad Steve and step mom Frankie, his wife Rebecca, and my beautiful grandson Marcus. If my heart wasn't already full enough, within an hour of them arriving on Saturday, I found out what Lee had been secretly plotting for 2 weeks prior - one of my very best friends from high school Chelley showed up with her son Aydin to surprise me. What a shocker! We were able to go out to dinner and ice cream and then I went with her to see her campsite. Sunday they were all at church with us and then followed back to our house for a marvelous BBQ chicken Sunday dinner that we were all able to sit at my kitchen table and enjoy. We played cards and just hung out while some of the family took care of Geoffry's car. Then I was able to enjoy a sweet nap with my daughter and grandson until everyone got back to the house. To top all of this off, yesterday my husband picked me up from work and took me out to a wonderful dinner at a restaurant we have been wanting to try. It was an amazing Italian dinner and my new favorite restaurant. I had a great time hanging out with him and walking around Wal-Mart for a little while. Then when we got home, we watched a movie with our son Chris. What an amazing time of fellowship I have had this weekend. I am so full-hearted and happy. I will miss our daughter Jamie as she is now in NC visiting family until we come down later this month. Wow! I am still kind of without words to express my gratitude for my family and friends. May God truly bless them all.


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