2020 Goals vs. How I did

So I came across some goals that I wrote down at the beginning of 2020 and here is how I did:

1. More time with God.  - Rocking this one I think. I have definitely brought my perspective back to being more about Him and what He is about. I still have a long way to go but directionally getting there.
2. Jamie and Robin settled medically. - Well while we are still working on this one, I am definitely a lot closer to being in a better place. I was able to advocate for myself and was switched from a bad medication to a better one and have seen tremendous results for the better. Jamie is seeing help with therapy that is helping and medication is getting under control. She will always struggle but we are moving forward and that is what counts.
3. Have a family vacation. - Didn't happen due to COVID-19 but we were pretty much quarantined together so does that count?!
4. Plan an awesome anniversary trip. - I planned an awesome weekend but it got cancelled due to COVID so we went to Steve and Frankie's for a few days of quiet. It was still a good time.
5. Have a girls weekend with mom and Julie. - This was done at mom's house playing cards and spending time together. 
After this I had eight financial goals. Of those eight, none of those were complete but hey there is always something to be working towards and learning from. 

So far for 2021 things are going somewhat different than I ever imagined. I am not working. I am not in pain. Our whole family is living together in one house and we all have our own space. Lee and I have found ourselves "grown up" and it seems weird. We will have been married 30 years in June and this is the first time in those 30 years that we have made "adult" purchases such as: chest freezer, lawn mower, weed eater, yard blower, storage shelves, book shelves, DVD cabinets, record cabinets, washer and dryer, and assorted other items. For the first time in all of that time, I have the gumption and feel good enough to want to clean and organize. I feel like I am becoming more in sync with what God wants from me. I am  not fully there but I feel His presence more closely than ever before. There are minor squabbles in the house but there is love and support here. We feel supported by our church family and we feel relevant and needed. God has us in His hands. I am loving 2021 regardless of what comes. God will take the negative and use it for His glory. Jump back Satan...Jesus is Alive and coming for you!!!!!

Peace and Love,


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