Not feeling like myself this week

 Well I haven’t really felt like myself this week. Depression has seemed to come back; not full-scale, but I guess this past Sunday I found out about a school friend that passed away that was my age and after that my mood kind of went down I’m not sure if that’s what happened but that’s the only thing I can figure that happened so I haven’t been on my new schedule of high and getting things done since then. I’m not sure how to really describe it other than to say that I have had no motivation this week at all and it kind of worries me because I was doing so good and now all the sudden I’m not and I’m not sure what to do about it. Today I have felt kind of headachy and I just don’t feel good and I snapped at somebody for no reason and I’ve gotten basically nothing done. I’m not sure how to get myself back to how I was last week but I will call my therapist tomorrow and see if I can figure out what I need to do right now I’m gonna go take some medicine and go to sleep I think even though I’ve slept half the day it feels like good night everybody.


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