Weight Loss Goals -- Yes, I am copying my new friend Valerie

~~~~My Nine Month Weight Loss goals~~~~

My Thanksgiving Goal – 45 lbs (250)
My Christmas Goal – 25 lbs (225)
My Valentines Goal – 25 lbs (200)
My Easter Goal – 25 lbs (175)
My End of May Goal – 25 lbs (150)

Total Pounds lost between September 8 and June 8 – 145 lbs

*I think this can be realistic. I know results are not typical, but I saw my mother lose more than this in the same amount of time.


Valerie said…
Isn't mimicking the most sincere form of flattery??? Lol Just kidding. If we can help and learn from each other all the better!! Plus I guess I can't take all the credit, David did come up with the idea.

Good luck with your goals!!

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