What If

What if I could stop feeling so tired?
So far I am off to a good start with my food intake. I haven't been hungry and my only problem is motivation to keep walking. I feel like I am still in a yuck kind of mood. School work is becoming a problem because I do not have and adequate place to get it done. Everywhere is loud and the children are just as disoriented as I am . They say it won't be long until we are in our house, but if this next hurricane happens down here-it will be even longer than that. AAAGH!!!
It is really no one's fault. I just tend to set myself up to get let down because I am an idealist who lives in cloud world and thinks everything is going to be alright. I am really moody and I have anger issues that I never had before. Is it just stress? Or am I becoming hormonally imbalanced? Maybe this new me will help with these issues. What if?


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