The Numbers Are Moving!

Well, the numbers are slowly moving again! Today's weight = 180 pounds. Unbelievable. I don't even know how to process this.

I have lost 150 pounds to date since December 2013. BMI down from 58.5 to 31.9. Only 35 pounds to goal weight. I really never thought I would see even this amount gone. A year ago I was on track to lose 50 pounds before surgery. I wish my friends, family, and supporters knew how much they have truly helped me through this journey. I love you all. God has brought me here. He has been transforming me into the woman he created me to be and that is fabulous! What a gift to work along side my Saviour and friends to strengthen my character and body into a spiritual, physical, and emotional warrior. 74.25 inches off of my body since September of 2014. My year anniversary is coming at the end of September. I am hoping to be at goal weight in 72 days. I may make it. That is only 3.5 pounds per week on average. If I don't, I am still over the moon excited about where I am today.

Now my focus is on getting my house baby-ready in the next couple of weeks. Marcus Allan Modlin will be making his debut within that time. His due date is August 9, however he has been already giving his mother a hard time so I doubt it will be that long. We will see. Babies come when they want to come. I am still not sure if I am ready for this grandparent thing. I can't very well spoil him and then send him home - he will already live here. Oh well, ready or not...he is coming soon!


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