Trying on new clothes

So today I had some time to kill, so I decided to window shop. I have not tried on clothes for a very long time. I have no idea how to fit this new body. I still have a ways to go and more working out to do to refine, but I have no idea what looks good or how to shop for me. When you have children, they come first and shopping for clothes always comes to them first. That is just the way it is and no mother or father ever regrets it being that way. So as I was trying on clothes, I went to a couple of places that were not they typical buy it because it is a bargain places. I started picking up pieces that I truly liked and then proceeded to try them on. I was pleasantly surprised at the sizes I was able to get into. Some things just didn't fit right and looked funny on me so I put them back. As I went to another store, I found even more that I liked. I found jeans that looked good on me. I tried on several dresses and found one that fit me perfectly. It was the first time EVER that I put on something that made me say this was MADE FOR ME. Sadly, I didn't purchase anything because it would not have been a wise purchase for me to pick up seeing as how I have just been laid off work for a temporary time. I hope to go back and find it there waiting for me. If not, it was not meant to be, but it was definitely made for me and it fit me like a glove. This was a great experience for me not just in making me feel good, but because it was the first time in a long time I was able to shop for me by myself and take the time to invest in myself. Make no mistake, this is an important step in the journey. Whether your journey is weight related, spiritually related, change of life related, whatever your journey...take time for yourself to realize how special you are and how wonderfully you were made in your mother's womb. God created us all specifically with a purpose and individual in talent and uniqueness. Celebrate his awesome creation by celebrating yourself and all you have to offer.


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