Okay so today I was productive and was able to make some purchases that will enable me to be a success at home. I was also able to reflect upon past and present mistakes that I have made and still think about making and it reminded me of several thoughts and moments so I thought I would take a minute to post it here. As children, we make mistakes and are chided and disciplined so that we learn from them so that we hopefully do not repeat those mistakes. It may take several times and some of us really never get it but we still are disciplined for it in some way or another. As adults, it is the same thing; whether it is knowing right from wrong or eating one piece of candy or the whole bag (you know who you are) we suffer consequences for those actions. In my health journey, it has been much the same way. One mistake after another hasn't always taught me to do the right thing and the consequences have been severe but that does not mean that it cannot be turned around even at this poi...